Fractions, Reflections, and Farewells
For the past two decades, the Kane County Cougars have played at Elfstrom Stadium. The facility was named in honor of Philip B. Elfstrom, a former Kane County Forest Preserve president who played a key...
View ArticleOperation Shutdown
This post, the 748th in the the history of this blog, will be the last you ever hear from me… until 2012! But, of course, I will be back. For if there is someone out there who can resist the siren call...
View ArticleEvents of a Largely Unprecedented Nature
The unveiling of 2012 promotions has not yet reached a deluge, but it has far surpassed a trickle. And within this intermediate zone in which we currently reside, one of the most exciting (and...
View ArticleWelcome to the Jungle
We’re still in the midst of Opening Week, during which Minor League teams pull out all of the stops: Blue Angel flyovers, operatic National Anthems, special guests from seasons past, that sort of...
View ArticleOn the Road: The Beginning of a Blogstravaganza in Great Lakes
The second stop on my Midwest League road trip was Beloit, MI while destination number three was Midland, MI. Those two locations are quite removed from one another, both psychically and...
View ArticleOn the Road: Delusions of Grandeur and Natural Splendor in Great Lakes
The last post on this blog ended as posts on this blog so often do — with the resounding belch of a local morning radio DJ. That memorable moment occurred just before the start of a late June ballgame...
View ArticleOccupational Hazards Abound
The previous post to have been published right here on this little slice of the internet that I call my professional home featured a bevy of ostensibly quality videos from the 2013 campaign. [cue sound...
View ArticleReturn to the Road: A Well En-Dow-ed Afternoon in Midland
It’s time for another installment of “Return to the Road,” in which I, yes, return to the road in order to further elaborate on that which was experienced during my 2013 Minor League road trips. Part...
View ArticleReturn to the Road: A Three-Sided Midland Perspective
Thus far, this ongoing “Return to the Road” series has highlighted outside-of-the-ballpark trip highlights from Appleton, WI to Beloit, WI (but barely) to Midland, MI. Midland is where we are going to...
View ArticlePac-Man’s tour of the Minor Leagues
Hello everyone. The italicized text you are currently reading is courtesy of I, Ben Hill, proprietor of the eponymous “Biz Blog.” Though I have run many “guest posts” on this blog through the years,...
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